WILDOCEANS, a programme of the WILDTRUST, is focused on biodiversity protection and building socio-ecological resilience in Southern Africa and the western Indian Ocean.
Through its initiatives, WILDOCEANS is working to build offshore marine science capacity for the future, inspire and mentor young ocean advocates, promote marine protected area expansion, support effective MPA implementation, implement community conservation approaches, increase protection for endangered species, and to help build resilience to global impacts and risks (such as climate change, pollution, and offshore industries) for vulnerable ecosystems and people who depend on them.







“Having the coaches and the children there and getting to watch the coaches teach and interact with the children. This was super helpful for understanding the nuances of how to coach.”
– Anonymous survey response

“The experience gave us valuable information that will help us with our own workshops.”
— Nduduzo Sheshane

I really do feel that having the chance to experience in full (with kids and coaches) was super helpful in understanding the flow and expectations and how to smoothly run a workshop at each station and in general. Watching the coaches in action was inspiring and made me feel much more confident and at ease. Seeing the children’s enjoyment and excitement was also inspiring and really cemented the reason and need for these workshops and made me even more excited to implement the workshops in KZN for our children
— Anonymous survey response